Instead of mailing him the CD or posting the songs on a website, you decide to give him access to your FTP server so he can download the songs.

You’re in a band, and your friend wants to hear the songs on your newest CD.You’re using your Mac as a web server and you need to add files to your website while you’re away from home.You need to turn your Mac into an FTP server! This will allow any individual with a user account on your Mac to remotely access your Mac’s files with an FTP client. After all, any good web server should be remotely accessible - that is, you should be able to add and remove files from your Mac when you’re away from home. That article is useful for individuals needing to host web pages on their Mac in a pinch, but it doesn’t really go far enough. Several weeks ago, we showed you how to turn your Mac into a web server. How to Turn Your Mac Into an FTP Server.AirPort Apple Apps Backups Developer Education Email Hardware Internet iPad iPhone Mac Music Network Photos Security TV Weekend Wonk